AI against global diseases

Building the biggest repository of open health datasets

The project

Microscopy and AI

Microscopy, a fundamental tool in research and diagnosis, stands as the gold standard for identifying communicable diseases worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Now, imagine augmenting this powerful technique with Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The AI Revolution

Tasks like image recognition have become significantly more efficient. Consider the possibility of AI aiding in pathogen identification on slides, reducing reliance on trained microscopists.

This breakthrough could revolutionize healthcare, democratizing it and allowing researchers and developers world wide join their efforts and knowledge.

The data challenge

However, successful AI hinges not only on sophisticated models but also on high-quality datasets.

Unfortunately, freely available datasets for infectious diseases are scarce. This scarcity impedes AI progress in critical medical areas.

We urgently need comprehensive, accessible datasets to drive the future of medical diagnostics and treatment.

Our mission

Creating and sharing high-quality, open-access datasets for infectious diseases.

These datasets serve a dual purpose—they effectively train machine learning algorithms and provide a valuable resource for education and training.

Join us in bridging the gap between microscopy and AI, unlocking new possibilities for global healthcare. Together, we can make a difference!


Programers needed

Ready to make a difference? Join and volunteer on our remote coding team and help us fight malaria with Kotlin and Firebase!

Beat Malaria now

Become a sponsor

do you want to be part of modern history? Join the revolution by supporting this project.

Become a legend


Thanks to our incredible collaborators, whose unwavering dedication has played an indispensable role in AiScope's mission and growth.

it's impossible to show every contributor and keep it updated on the web, but here you can have an indea of some of the kind people who helped to make AiScope what it is today:

Eduardo Peire


Industrial engineer / AI Specialist

Laura Moro


Bitechnologist / Ph.D. in Medicine

Rocío López

Product manager

Telecommunications engineer

Andy M. Sinyolo

Molecular Biologist / MSc. Tropical Infectious Diseases

Samara Khoudari

Lead designer

Graphic Designer -- UI Specialist

Joris Borsboom

Senior Developer

Computer Scientist

Kunal Rachhoya

Software Developer

Software Engineer

Alina Vasilcan

Project manager

Business Analyst

Eduard-Cristian Boloș

Senior Android Developer

Mira Suleimenova

Privacy advisor

International Lawyer

Amelia Young


Ramon Perez Tanoira

Malaria expert

Microbiologist / Ph.D. in clinical microbiology
